Founder & CEO
Serial entrepreneur in media & tech development, with a career vision to drive better engagement and understand consumer desire
Owns 22 patents in media
Engagement & AI K-Global startup winner
Wooa - CEO
Wooa Media - CEO
BS - Computer Science
Technical Architect
Elite Troubleshooter
Kyte - Flight/hotel booking mobile application
(Featured in AppStore 20+ times)
Civilization Online - Built high concurrent
online MMORPG game server
SkelterLabs, XL Games, SAP,
Google (Intern) - Software Engineer
BS - Yonsei University, Computer Science
Engineering Team Leader (Foundation)
Lifelong technologist and all around computer nerd
with a love for technical leadership
Hawkfish, Cityblock, HealthLoop, Reaction Housing. ComplyMD
Engineering Team Leader (Creator)
An Elixir hacker who fell in love with Github
Kakao Style
Chain Partners
BS - Electronic engineering
ML/AI Engineer
Technical Engineer
Selvas Al
Junior Data Analyst
17 years of experience building client-facing businesses, leveraging creativity, team leadership and project management skills to drive client and customer success.
Data Engineer
Start up lover with expertise in Data Engineering
Anonymous Startup - CTO
BS - Seoul National University, Statistics & Computer Science
Backend Engineer
Developed the world's first Erlang OTP/Elixir-based cryptocurrency exchange
APAC CIO Outlook Top 10 - Cryptocurrency solution
Kakao Style
Chain Partners
BS - Computer Science
Senior iOS Engineer
Programmer & Maker
Grab (Singapore)
BBA - Yonsei University
Senior Software Engineer
Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Flutter & Dart.
Improving lives by building and scaling amazing apps.
Pearpop - Engineering Manager & Senior Software Engineer
XOKind - Lead Frontend Engineer
WeWork Labs, Engineering
Accenture, Technology
Backend Engineer
Previously at Root
Business Development Manager
10+ years in sales. I am enthusiastic about meeting new people, overcoming new challenges and trying to change the world for the better. Jedi Master, PC Gamer and child of the internet.
BSC - California State University Chico
Major: Marketing
Minor: Ethics
Head of HR
Unilever(Carver Korea)
BS- Korea University Major in Business Administration
Chief Executive Advisor
Asia’s leading business person & strategist and one of the best business experts in global Asia who is advocating business cooperation in Asia: mainly in Japan, China and Korea
Received the Presidential Commendation of the Republic of Korea as a distinguished entrepreneur for the development of the travel industry.
Selected by THE JAPAN TIMES as one of “100 CEOs to Lead Asia for the Next Generation.”
Served as a global strategic marketing advisor at PASONA GROUP Co., Ltd., a leading HR company in Japan.
Investor Relations Advisor
Partner FoundersX Ventures
Advisor to New Ventures & Consultant
Former adjunct Professor at Stanford Department of MS&E and Harvard Business School
Coauthor of "Gear Up: Test Your Business Model Potential and Plan your Path to Success"
Co-founder of National University of Singapore College in Silicon Valley
Served on advisory boards and consulted for several companies, government agencies and academic institutions
Media Advisor
35+ years as a Media & Creative Executive
Clientele include Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift and tours for New Kids on the Block, Bon Jovi and Prince
Head of Getty Entertainment NA include clients such as Oscars, Grammys, Met Gala, film festivals and Hollywood Studios
VP of Marketing of Wireimage (acquired by Getty), which disrupted digital distribution model for media and photo for agencies including Reuters & Associated Press
Founding Partner of Digital Seas, a shore communications solution for cruise ships
Marketing Advisor
30+ years in Global CMO Roles and Global Digital Agency Leadership
Currently Advisor & Independent Board Member for Public & Private firms
Global CMO, American Express Merchant Services
EVP & Executive Team Member, Digitas (Publicis Group Agency Holding Company)
Global Partner, AI & Cognitive Computing Solutions, IBM
30+ Years leveraging Advanced Analytics & AI for Customer Insights & Business Performance Gains
Distribution Innovation Advisor
34+ years in Media, Data Strategy, Innovation, Agency Executive Leadership at Publicis, Interpublic and Martin Agency
Currently Managing Director at The Martin Agency
Technology Advisor
CIO at Parsons Corporation
Patents in Data Mining, Analytics and BI
CIO, Covanta Energy
VP, Johnson & Johnson
Top 100 CIO's in STEM
Computerworld's Premier IT Leader Award
CIO.com Top 100 (Awarded multiple times)
AI Research Advisor
Technology & Management Leader
16+ years in Product & Program Management, Software Design, Business Analysis, Organizational & Process Restructuring
Best Paper Award for ECV 2019 at CVPR
BS - NYC Stern School of Business
Service Advisor
Serial entrepreneur
Korea Advanced Institute of Technology K-School Professor
30+ years in Social Network Business
Co-founded Cyworld.com (world first social network, Merged into SKT), Kukubox.com (Social Addressbook, Merged into NHN), cmune.com (Uber Strike), beatflo.co.
Founded Saycupid.com (matchmaking service, Merged into Neowiz.com)
Storyblender.com (TC40 Finalist), Makewith.co
Consulting to Quora.com, BCG Japan, Intellectual Ventures, Samsung Electronics, SK Telecom, etc.
Data Analytics Adviser
Professor at Hanyang University, Business Informatics Department Chair
Ph.D. in Business Information Systems, AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Chief Researcher for Industry-Academic Cooperation projects with LG Electronics, GS, KB Financial Group, Samsung,
Advisor at LG Electronics, KB Bank
Founder & CEO
Serial entrepreneur in media & tech development, with a career vision to drive better engagement and understand consumer desire
Owns 22 patents in media
Engagement & AI K-Global startup winner
Wooa - CEO
Wooa Media - CEO
BS - Computer Science
Engineering Team Leader (Foundation)
Lifelong technologist and all around computer nerd
with a love for technical leadership
Hawkfish, Cityblock, HealthLoop, Reaction Housing. ComplyMD
ML/AI Engineer
Technical Engineer
Selvas Al
Data Engineer
Start up lover with expertise in Data Engineering
Anonymous Startup - CTO
BS - Seoul National University, Statistics & Computer Science
Senior iOS Engineer
Programmer & Maker
Grab (Singapore)
BBA - Yonsei University
Backend Engineer
Previously at Root
Head of HR
Unilever(Carver Korea)
BS- Korea University Major in Business Administration
Investor Relations Advisor
Partner FoundersX Ventures
Advisor to New Ventures & Consultant
Former adjunct Professor at Stanford Department of MS&E and Harvard Business School
Coauthor of "Gear Up: Test Your Business Model Potential and Plan your Path to Success"
Co-founder of National University of Singapore College in Silicon Valley
Served on advisory boards and consulted for several companies, government agencies and academic institutions
Marketing Advisor
30+ years in Global CMO Roles and Global Digital Agency Leadership
Currently Advisor & Independent Board Member for Public & Private firms
Global CMO, American Express Merchant Services
EVP & Executive Team Member, Digitas (Publicis Group Agency Holding Company)
Global Partner, AI & Cognitive Computing Solutions, IBM
30+ Years leveraging Advanced Analytics & AI for Customer Insights & Business Performance Gains
Technology Advisor
CIO at Parsons Corporation
Patents in Data Mining, Analytics and BI
CIO, Covanta Energy
VP, Johnson & Johnson
Top 100 CIO's in STEM
Computerworld's Premier IT Leader Award
CIO.com Top 100 (Awarded multiple times)
Service Advisor
Serial entrepreneur
Korea Advanced Institute of Technology K-School Professor
30+ years in Social Network Business
Co-founded Cyworld.com (world first social network, Merged into SKT), Kukubox.com (Social Addressbook, Merged into NHN), cmune.com (Uber Strike), beatflo.co.
Founded Saycupid.com (matchmaking service, Merged into Neowiz.com)
Storyblender.com (TC40 Finalist), Makewith.co
Consulting to Quora.com, BCG Japan, Intellectual Ventures, Samsung Electronics, SK Telecom, etc.
Technical Architect
Elite Troubleshooter
Kyte - Flight/hotel booking mobile application
(Featured in AppStore 20+ times)
Civilization Online - Built high concurrent
online MMORPG game server
SkelterLabs, XL Games, SAP,
Google (Intern) - Software Engineer
BS - Yonsei University, Computer Science
Engineering Team Leader (Creator)
An Elixir hacker who fell in love with Github
Kakao Style
Chain Partners
BS - Electronic engineering
Junior Data Analyst
17 years of experience building client-facing businesses, leveraging creativity, team leadership and project management skills to drive client and customer success.
Backend Engineer
Developed the world's first Erlang OTP/Elixir-based cryptocurrency exchange
APAC CIO Outlook Top 10 - Cryptocurrency solution
Kakao Style
Chain Partners
BS - Computer Science
Senior Software Engineer
Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Flutter & Dart.
Improving lives by building and scaling amazing apps.
Pearpop - Engineering Manager & Senior Software Engineer
XOKind - Lead Frontend Engineer
WeWork Labs, Engineering
Accenture, Technology
Business Development Manager
10+ years in sales. I am enthusiastic about meeting new people, overcoming new challenges and trying to change the world for the better. Jedi Master, PC Gamer and child of the internet.
BSC - California State University Chico
Major: Marketing
Minor: Ethics
Chief Executive Advisor
Asia’s leading business person & strategist and one of the best business experts in global Asia who is advocating business cooperation in Asia: mainly in Japan, China and Korea
Received the Presidential Commendation of the Republic of Korea as a distinguished entrepreneur for the development of the travel industry.
Selected by THE JAPAN TIMES as one of “100 CEOs to Lead Asia for the Next Generation.”
Served as a global strategic marketing advisor at PASONA GROUP Co., Ltd., a leading HR company in Japan.
Media Advisor
35+ years as a Media & Creative Executive
Clientele include Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift and tours for New Kids on the Block, Bon Jovi and Prince
Head of Getty Entertainment NA include clients such as Oscars, Grammys, Met Gala, film festivals and Hollywood Studios
VP of Marketing of Wireimage (acquired by Getty), which disrupted digital distribution model for media and photo for agencies including Reuters & Associated Press
Founding Partner of Digital Seas, a shore communications solution for cruise ships
Distribution Innovation Advisor
34+ years in Media, Data Strategy, Innovation, Agency Executive Leadership at Publicis, Interpublic and Martin Agency
Currently Managing Director at The Martin Agency
AI Research Advisor
Technology & Management Leader
16+ years in Product & Program Management, Software Design, Business Analysis, Organizational & Process Restructuring
Best Paper Award for ECV 2019 at CVPR
BS - NYC Stern School of Business
Data Analytics Adviser
Professor at Hanyang University, Business Informatics Department Chair
Ph.D. in Business Information Systems, AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Chief Researcher for Industry-Academic Cooperation projects with LG Electronics, GS, KB Financial Group, Samsung,
Advisor at LG Electronics, KB Bank
Founder & CEO
Serial entrepreneur in media & tech development, with a career vision to drive better engagement and understand consumer desire
Owns 22 patents in media
Engagement & AI K-Global startup winner
Wooa - CEO
Wooa Media - CEO
BS - Computer Science
Engineering Team Leader (Creator)
An Elixir hacker who fell in love with Github
Kakao Style
Chain Partners
BS - Electronic engineering
Data Engineer
Start up lover with expertise in Data Engineering
Anonymous Startup - CTO
BS - Seoul National University, Statistics & Computer Science
Senior Software Engineer
Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Flutter & Dart.
Improving lives by building and scaling amazing apps.
Pearpop - Engineering Manager & Senior Software Engineer
XOKind - Lead Frontend Engineer
WeWork Labs, Engineering
Accenture, Technology
Head of HR
Unilever(Carver Korea)
BS- Korea University Major in Business Administration
Media Advisor
35+ years as a Media & Creative Executive
Clientele include Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift and tours for New Kids on the Block, Bon Jovi and Prince
Head of Getty Entertainment NA include clients such as Oscars, Grammys, Met Gala, film festivals and Hollywood Studios
VP of Marketing of Wireimage (acquired by Getty), which disrupted digital distribution model for media and photo for agencies including Reuters & Associated Press
Founding Partner of Digital Seas, a shore communications solution for cruise ships
Technology Advisor
CIO at Parsons Corporation
Patents in Data Mining, Analytics and BI
CIO, Covanta Energy
VP, Johnson & Johnson
Top 100 CIO's in STEM
Computerworld's Premier IT Leader Award
CIO.com Top 100 (Awarded multiple times)
Data Analytics Adviser
Professor at Hanyang University, Business Informatics Department Chair
Ph.D. in Business Information Systems, AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Chief Researcher for Industry-Academic Cooperation projects with LG Electronics, GS, KB Financial Group, Samsung,
Advisor at LG Electronics, KB Bank
Technical Architect
Elite Troubleshooter
Kyte - Flight/hotel booking mobile application
(Featured in AppStore 20+ times)
Civilization Online - Built high concurrent
online MMORPG game server
SkelterLabs, XL Games, SAP,
Google (Intern) - Software Engineer
BS - Yonsei University, Computer Science
ML/AI Engineer
Technical Engineer
Selvas Al
Backend Engineer
Developed the world's first Erlang OTP/Elixir-based cryptocurrency exchange
APAC CIO Outlook Top 10 - Cryptocurrency solution
Kakao Style
Chain Partners
BS - Computer Science
Backend Engineer
Previously at Root
Chief Executive Advisor
Asia’s leading business person & strategist and one of the best business experts in global Asia who is advocating business cooperation in Asia: mainly in Japan, China and Korea
Received the Presidential Commendation of the Republic of Korea as a distinguished entrepreneur for the development of the travel industry.
Selected by THE JAPAN TIMES as one of “100 CEOs to Lead Asia for the Next Generation.”
Served as a global strategic marketing advisor at PASONA GROUP Co., Ltd., a leading HR company in Japan.
Marketing Advisor
30+ years in Global CMO Roles and Global Digital Agency Leadership
Currently Advisor & Independent Board Member for Public & Private firms
Global CMO, American Express Merchant Services
EVP & Executive Team Member, Digitas (Publicis Group Agency Holding Company)
Global Partner, AI & Cognitive Computing Solutions, IBM
30+ Years leveraging Advanced Analytics & AI for Customer Insights & Business Performance Gains
AI Research Advisor
Technology & Management Leader
16+ years in Product & Program Management, Software Design, Business Analysis, Organizational & Process Restructuring
Best Paper Award for ECV 2019 at CVPR
BS - NYC Stern School of Business
Engineering Team Leader (Foundation)
Lifelong technologist and all around computer nerd
with a love for technical leadership
Hawkfish, Cityblock, HealthLoop, Reaction Housing. ComplyMD
Junior Data Analyst
17 years of experience building client-facing businesses, leveraging creativity, team leadership and project management skills to drive client and customer success.
Senior iOS Engineer
Programmer & Maker
Grab (Singapore)
BBA - Yonsei University
Business Development Manager
10+ years in sales. I am enthusiastic about meeting new people, overcoming new challenges and trying to change the world for the better. Jedi Master, PC Gamer and child of the internet.
BSC - California State University Chico
Major: Marketing
Minor: Ethics
Investor Relations Advisor
Partner FoundersX Ventures
Advisor to New Ventures & Consultant
Former adjunct Professor at Stanford Department of MS&E and Harvard Business School
Coauthor of "Gear Up: Test Your Business Model Potential and Plan your Path to Success"
Co-founder of National University of Singapore College in Silicon Valley
Served on advisory boards and consulted for several companies, government agencies and academic institutions
Distribution Innovation Advisor
34+ years in Media, Data Strategy, Innovation, Agency Executive Leadership at Publicis, Interpublic and Martin Agency
Currently Managing Director at The Martin Agency
Service Advisor
Serial entrepreneur
Korea Advanced Institute of Technology K-School Professor
30+ years in Social Network Business
Co-founded Cyworld.com (world first social network, Merged into SKT), Kukubox.com (Social Addressbook, Merged into NHN), cmune.com (Uber Strike), beatflo.co.
Founded Saycupid.com (matchmaking service, Merged into Neowiz.com)
Storyblender.com (TC40 Finalist), Makewith.co
Consulting to Quora.com, BCG Japan, Intellectual Ventures, Samsung Electronics, SK Telecom, etc.
Founder & CEO
Serial entrepreneur in media & tech development, with a career vision to drive better engagement and understand consumer desire
Owns 22 patents in media
Engagement & AI K-Global startup winner
Wooa - CEO
Wooa Media - CEO
BS - Computer Science
ML/AI Engineer
Technical Engineer
Selvas Al
Senior iOS Engineer
Programmer & Maker
Grab (Singapore)
BBA - Yonsei University
Head of HR
Unilever(Carver Korea)
BS- Korea University Major in Business Administration
Marketing Advisor
30+ years in Global CMO Roles and Global Digital Agency Leadership
Currently Advisor & Independent Board Member for Public & Private firms
Global CMO, American Express Merchant Services
EVP & Executive Team Member, Digitas (Publicis Group Agency Holding Company)
Global Partner, AI & Cognitive Computing Solutions, IBM
30+ Years leveraging Advanced Analytics & AI for Customer Insights & Business Performance Gains
Service Advisor
Serial entrepreneur
Korea Advanced Institute of Technology K-School Professor
30+ years in Social Network Business
Co-founded Cyworld.com (world first social network, Merged into SKT), Kukubox.com (Social Addressbook, Merged into NHN), cmune.com (Uber Strike), beatflo.co.
Founded Saycupid.com (matchmaking service, Merged into Neowiz.com)
Storyblender.com (TC40 Finalist), Makewith.co
Consulting to Quora.com, BCG Japan, Intellectual Ventures, Samsung Electronics, SK Telecom, etc.
Technical Architect
Elite Troubleshooter
Kyte - Flight/hotel booking mobile application
(Featured in AppStore 20+ times)
Civilization Online - Built high concurrent
online MMORPG game server
SkelterLabs, XL Games, SAP,
Google (Intern) - Software Engineer
BS - Yonsei University, Computer Science
Junior Data Analyst
17 years of experience building client-facing businesses, leveraging creativity, team leadership and project management skills to drive client and customer success.
Senior Software Engineer
Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Flutter & Dart.
Improving lives by building and scaling amazing apps.
Pearpop - Engineering Manager & Senior Software Engineer
XOKind - Lead Frontend Engineer
WeWork Labs, Engineering
Accenture, Technology
Chief Executive Advisor
Asia’s leading business person & strategist and one of the best business experts in global Asia who is advocating business cooperation in Asia: mainly in Japan, China and Korea
Received the Presidential Commendation of the Republic of Korea as a distinguished entrepreneur for the development of the travel industry.
Selected by THE JAPAN TIMES as one of “100 CEOs to Lead Asia for the Next Generation.”
Served as a global strategic marketing advisor at PASONA GROUP Co., Ltd., a leading HR company in Japan.
Distribution Innovation Advisor
34+ years in Media, Data Strategy, Innovation, Agency Executive Leadership at Publicis, Interpublic and Martin Agency
Currently Managing Director at The Martin Agency
Data Analytics Adviser
Professor at Hanyang University, Business Informatics Department Chair
Ph.D. in Business Information Systems, AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Chief Researcher for Industry-Academic Cooperation projects with LG Electronics, GS, KB Financial Group, Samsung,
Advisor at LG Electronics, KB Bank
Engineering Team Leader (Foundation)
Lifelong technologist and all around computer nerd
with a love for technical leadership
Hawkfish, Cityblock, HealthLoop, Reaction Housing. ComplyMD
Data Engineer
Start up lover with expertise in Data Engineering
Anonymous Startup - CTO
BS - Seoul National University, Statistics & Computer Science
Backend Engineer
Previously at Root
Investor Relations Advisor
Partner FoundersX Ventures
Advisor to New Ventures & Consultant
Former adjunct Professor at Stanford Department of MS&E and Harvard Business School
Coauthor of "Gear Up: Test Your Business Model Potential and Plan your Path to Success"
Co-founder of National University of Singapore College in Silicon Valley
Served on advisory boards and consulted for several companies, government agencies and academic institutions
Technology Advisor
CIO at Parsons Corporation
Patents in Data Mining, Analytics and BI
CIO, Covanta Energy
VP, Johnson & Johnson
Top 100 CIO's in STEM
Computerworld's Premier IT Leader Award
CIO.com Top 100 (Awarded multiple times)
Engineering Team Leader (Creator)
An Elixir hacker who fell in love with Github
Kakao Style
Chain Partners
BS - Electronic engineering
Backend Engineer
Developed the world's first Erlang OTP/Elixir-based cryptocurrency exchange
APAC CIO Outlook Top 10 - Cryptocurrency solution
Kakao Style
Chain Partners
BS - Computer Science
Business Development Manager
10+ years in sales. I am enthusiastic about meeting new people, overcoming new challenges and trying to change the world for the better. Jedi Master, PC Gamer and child of the internet.
BSC - California State University Chico
Major: Marketing
Minor: Ethics
Media Advisor
35+ years as a Media & Creative Executive
Clientele include Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift and tours for New Kids on the Block, Bon Jovi and Prince
Head of Getty Entertainment NA include clients such as Oscars, Grammys, Met Gala, film festivals and Hollywood Studios
VP of Marketing of Wireimage (acquired by Getty), which disrupted digital distribution model for media and photo for agencies including Reuters & Associated Press
Founding Partner of Digital Seas, a shore communications solution for cruise ships
AI Research Advisor
Technology & Management Leader
16+ years in Product & Program Management, Software Design, Business Analysis, Organizational & Process Restructuring
Best Paper Award for ECV 2019 at CVPR
BS - NYC Stern School of Business
NEW YORK, New York, February 27, 2023 – Momenti, Inc., the premier touchable Interactive media & content platform, presented at Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2023, the world’s largest technology and mobile conference in the world. Momenti as the recipient of Top 50 Global Startups by MWC 4YFN 2023, Co-founder & CEO, Iron (Chulwoo) Lee, […]